The US is home to the world's most dominant air guitarists. And as such, the AirForce is home to the US' elite air guitarists. The AirForce was born out of the SF/Bay Area, in 2010, after an immortal showing at the legendary Fillmore West, and comprised of the Bay Area's most dominant airists, the Original 12, formed by SF master air guitarist, Tiger Claw.

The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.

2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.

The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.

We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Best Of The Midwest..

Claw heard rumblings occurring midway between the two coasts, so he had to investigate. Like our brothairs and sistairs in SF, NY, Minneapolis, San Diego, Houston, Portland, and the UK, a star has risen among us, that exemplifies that which each of us holds dearly - the art of air guitar. For us, there is no season. There are dates when the tour comes around, but the season is year-round.

Several of us in SF, as well as chapter commanders elsewhere around the US, know him all to well. He's won 3 regionals, 3 years in a row - two in his hometown, one in Vegas. During the off months of the US Air Guitar tour, he holds competitions on his own, to keep the spirit alive. This 24/7/365, livin-the-life creed, is what makes up the heart, soul and passion of air guitar, and what embodies the foundation of the SF AirForce.

Last Sunday, early AM, while on the second beer (it wasn't 9am yet), Claw received an email. It was a notice of this person's post, that would redirect Claw to the US Air Guitar site, and the discovery of, well, you know the story... This messenger was previously invited to represent, but no response up to that point. Yet, he was the first to notify. And congratulate. It's this appreciation for our family that sets us apart from all the rest. He subsequently accepted, and now represents us as Commander of the Midwest Chapter affiliate, based out of Kansas City...

His name is...


On behalf of the jedi masters of air guitar, that make up the SF AirForce, we salute you, and are proud to have you on board. Your only duty, as is with all of us, is to make us proud. Be the best. And remember, the best may not win, but they're still the best.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tiger Claw Appreciation Day

Special Memorial Day issue. Thanks US Air Guitar, and the jedi masters of the SF AirForce, all over the US, for all your support. I could not do it without you.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

KIPPIS Deja Vu...

The SF AirForce's own, Major Shred Nugent is at it again, same deal, same location, fighting for a spot at the Haight Street Fair (SF), which, after 7 years have passed, is once again playing on Claw's birthday, June 12. But this show is coming up real quick. It's a cool location. Remember the 12 Galaxies? Remodeled, better acoustics. Come on out. Claw will be there. And with the usual "first round on the Claw, if you show". Uh, that includes Shred. Even better, that includes Shred's bandmates.

And for those of you in the SF Airforce not on the up-&-up, especially the other chapters, Mrs. Shred Nugent is from Oulu, Finland. Sound familiar? DAMN STRAIGHT. The very location we all aspire to. The World Championship. Sorry for the tangent, but it's a great segue as a reminder that needs to be made, since we're in the middle of competition, and all of us need to remember why we're here, what we're striving for, and what we need to do to get the job done.

Let's rock, this Friday, May 27. Especially hard for the Claw. He goes in for finishing touches on the back tattoo, at 1pm, 4 blocks from the club, and Shred doesn't go on till 4 hours later. Moot point. Claw is there.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Godfather of Air Guitar

I've said it all along. Not sure about Reed in 1957, but for me, the godfather of air guitar has always been Joe Cocker. his performance at Woodstock 1969, performing "With A Little Help From My Friends", and his subsequent air-guitaring to the guitar parts, was enough for me. In a later interview on Dick Cavitt, Dick asked him what was it that he was doing with his hands during the solo parts? Joe's response: "I always wanted to learn how to play guitar, but never did. I suppose that was my way of playing it." Or something to that effect.

In yesterday's SF Chronicle Sunday paper, and online here, we see a question alluding to the question or origin:

now, I don't know about Reed and his 5 seconds, after all, it was only 5 seconds, and the article doesn't say he was using a prop, where the music was supposed to be playing, but didn't, or Jimi's deal with playing a broom, which most of us did as a child (for the record, Claw used a tennis racket), props at a young age should be considered an early phase of air guitar, but not air guitar specifically, since at so young an age, and using a prop, should be more considered a tool to the next level. Jimi obviously moved up. Joe didn't. for Joe, it was air guitar, or what embodied air guitar at the time.

Thank you Godfather.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The air guitar is our cross. And as the perception of air guitar has yet to earn the respect of the masses, as it is deserved, it is our cross to bear, for we are the masters of air guitar. There is no heaven to ascend to, since the only instrument allowed are harps. And there is no hell to fall to, since the only instrument allowed is a violin. We are empowered with the role of earthly domination. When all those pure ascend to above, and all those scorned, fall below, what is left will be the force of air guitar. We will be impervious to disaster, immune to outside imperfections, and given the power to rebuild a new world. A world where air guitar is the primary sport of kings, and a performance art unchallenged by all other genres. Embrace, or die.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Latest news / updates

Tonight (Thursday, May 19) is Kansas City, and Saturday, May 21, is Austin, TX. SF AirForce's own Brock McRock, repping our Southern Affiliate Chapter, is competing, and defending his regional crown. Brock - KILL'EM ALL.

Newest addition to the SF AirForce, and contributing to our awesome expansion, is Lt. Facemelter. Who? You should know by now. He is a San Diego Regional Champion, BUT...also competed right here in SF, in the Bridge Competition, but placed third after Cold Steel Renegade. Man, that Awesome and Cold Steel are forces to be reckoned with, with multiple SF regional wins. Claw is most certainly proud to have them play a major part of the SF AirForce. Since the Facemelter has competed here, AND...even has his own official US Air Guitar trading card, it is with great honor and pride to welcome him as a fellow jedi master of air guitar, into the SF AirForce special forces. For those who know him personally, drop him a line and welcome him to the fold.

Funny story: Claw made a comment about Facemelter having his own USAG card, but not a TC card. Claw was humbly corrected. Somehow, someway, the Facemelter acquired a TC card back in 2009 when he competed here. Most of you will remember 2009 was a year Claw would like to forget, for obvious reasons, but it certainly wasn't anything that was going to deter him from doing what he does best, no matter how life-threatening.

Lt. Facemelter, welcome to the SF AirForce. We're proud to have represent us from down South. Now, about that name, Lt. Facemelter. We're gonna have to do something about that, now that you're a Major.

so far, the kickstarter program is up just over $900. June 9 is the deadline for $10,000. So we're basically still down around 10%. You got the emails for the link. Do what you can. It's 3 weeks away.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday News Update..

After Nordic took Chicago, Denver was won the next night by veteran Dreamcatcher. Next up - this Thursday 5/19, Kansas City, and then Saturday, 5/21, Brock returns to Austin, TX. Note to Brock: remember, you are a jedi master of air guitar. As always, check out the official US Air Guitar site for further information.

If you haven't already done so, you'd see that the USAG has added half-time acts. Our own Hot Lixx is on for SF's Friday show, but did you know we have a legend performing during the half-time on Saturday? Yup. The first US National winner, and the first US winner to take the World Championship, in 2003. Also starring beside our other legend, Bjorn Turoque, in Air Guitar Nation. None other than, C-Diddy. He's been retired for some time now. I think it's time to introduce him to the SF Air Force. But I'm not so sure about membership, honorary or otherwise. I was pulling for Bjorn the whole time. He's our legend. Of course, if he begs in front the Force, how can we resist. LOL

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Brock McRock rocks Texas....

Let's give a shout out for our man representing the Southern Chapter affiliate, in Texas. Brock McRock. The Austin Regionals are a week away (May 21).

GGP map

Here is a link to a map of the location.

It's just off of the 19th Ave crossover to to Park Presidio. Take the side road to JFK Drive, make a right. You'll see, if it's still there, the man-made waterfall on the left. About 100 yards ahead, on the right, is Stow Lake Road, that leads to the lake. Not sure if it's still there, but there is a cool log cabin that's been there for decades.

Huge picnic area next to it.

Cold Steel Jam in the Park

Cold Steel Renegade is jamming in the park tomorrow (Sunday, May 15). Bay-To-Breakers celebration. Claw believes it's in the morning. At the intersection of Stow Lake Drive and JFK Drive. Come by and check it out. Also, we're into the season, folks. Chicago and Denver are in the books. Nordic Thunder took Chicago. Still waiting on news from Denver. check out for more information.

also check out for info on how to show support as a sponsor of this year's tour.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


You can monitor all the regionals by bookmarking to your link bar. If you haven't already done so, check it now, just to see the new US Air Guitar limited edition trading cards.

Open Season on Poseurs..

It's May. Oh yes it is. 2 weeks until the first regional competition, in Chicago, which also happens to be the location of the US Nationals. Could that be an indication for future competitions, that being the first regional occurs where the US Nationals end up? Hmmm.

This is a first in a while for us elite here in SF. This year, we are NOT the last one on the schedule. Claw is not even going to think about the fact that your calendars haven't been marked for June 24 and June 25 at the Independent. The return to our old stomping grounds. It's Friday and Saturday. And for most of you, Claw shouldn't have to tell you what a relief it is, not to have to climb stairs like we did at The Fillmore. 3 steps to the stage is enough for The Claw, considering...

SIX WEEKS. And that's for SF. Others such as Ricky Stinkfingers, repping our Northeast Chapter (NY), Lost Heartbreaker, repping our Twin Cities Chapter (Minneapolis), and Brock McRock and Whalin BigAir, our affiliates in Texas and Portland, not to mention Wild Thing, our UK affiliate across the pond, may be working with less time on their agenda.

Get your threads together, your routine down, and your chops secured. Each year, we endeavor to surpass our previous efforts, and this year is no different. Bring your A-Game, especially if you're in SF, cuz The Claw is going all-out. You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.

It's time. It's the season. And it's open season on everyone. Best of luck to all the jedi masters, the elite special forces of air guitar.

Warning to all who oppose us: the SF AirForce is in command. There is no competition. There is no chance. Resistance is futile. You will fall to your knees before us, beg for mercy, pray for redemption, and hope to leave with your pride and integrity intact. If you're lucky, you'll earn a place alongside the rest of us, representing the most elite air guitarists in the world today. The SF AirForce. Compete if you can, survive if we let you.