The Thunder House rivals the Claw House. You gotta see this video. Cuck Mung cameo. Is that G Tso Money in the background?
The world's elite air guitar special forces, from the Golden Gate, throughout the US, and across the pond...
The US is home to the world's most dominant air guitarists. And as such, the AirForce is home to the US' elite air guitarists. The AirForce was born out of the SF/Bay Area, in 2010, after an immortal showing at the legendary Fillmore West, and comprised of the Bay Area's most dominant airists, the Original 12, formed by SF master air guitarist, Tiger Claw.
The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.
2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.
The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.
We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.
The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.
2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.
The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.
We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Welcome to our newest member & Int'l Chapter Commander
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Emmy Award Winner, & air guitarist...
While not necessarily air guitar-related, this accolade is one of Hollywood's top honors, and way worthy of a mention. Second only to the Academy Award, the Emmy is a most honorable award in and of itself. And one of our own has received just such an award, for his work in the field of television. On behalf of AirForce Command, Claw would like to congratulate AirForce member and air guitar veteran, Greg "Shred Boy RD" Pittelli, on his Emmy Award-winning performance.
Best Performance for a Grip in a non-foreign language mini-series drama, on the CBS Soiled Dove western mini-series.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
New AirForce Member..
Claw and the AirForce would like to welcome it's newest member, Captain LittleMiss IronMiss, based out of Tennessee, and representing the Mid-Atlantic Chapter, under Chapter Commander Tommy Fretless. If Claw ever traveled east, this girl would definitely be hired as Claw's bodyguard. The motto is "lift big, eat big", which Claw has followed religiously. Welcome to the club Talia..
Sunday, September 2, 2012
New member/chapter, plus update notes
The AirForce welcomes it's newest member, a veteran himself, Thunderstrook, representing the newest chapter, the Capitol Chapter (Washington DC). He was this year's Nashville Regional Champion, and even made the trek to Finland, to represent Air Amairica.
Site update news: all of us are listed in the ranks, but not everyone is represented with videos, below the ranks, until now. Today, Claw spent pretty much all day, and into the night, adding each of you to the video section. Most of the time was spent waiting for Google (youtube/blogger) to upload, refresh, etc. Check out the site to see for yourself. If you want anything added, changed or removed, drop Claw a line.
Also, membership has been mostly by invitation. But looking at the numbers (37 members in 14 chapters), it appears the AirForce has become a great way to showcase the art of air guitar, through the many videos of all of its members. Most of the regions are represented, with multiple members in each region. Of course, there's always room for one more region, if Claw can creatively come up with a name for it. He's been lucky so far. (You gotta love Capitol for DC.)
So at this time, Claw would like to extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to be a part of it, and have your name and video performances highlighted on the site.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Congratulations AirForce Regional Champions
Minor changes to the site. No longer separated by chapters. Now by rank. Now, without further ado...
The AirForce salutes the following AirForce members for their success in winning their US Air Guitar Regional Competitions.
Tony Tapatio - Portland - a repeat win from the year before, moving up from Major to Lt. Colonel. Um - Seattle - our newest member to the AirForce, coming in as a Major, with the Seattle win. Mean Melin - Kansas City - what did you expect? Lt. Facemelter - San Diego - hometown advantage, no fair, up to Lt. Colonel, with another regional win. Six-String General - Los Angeles - also now a Lt. Colonel, with more than one regional win. Flying Finn - Minneapolis - Major props, not just for the regional win, but also, the awesome posters. Tommy Fretless - Wash, DC - taking the lead, for the rest of us to follow (baahaahaa). Van Dammage - Chicago - according to AirForce protocol, the DarkHorse is considered a regional, because you compete in the Nationals. Well done, troops.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
2012 Air Guitar post-season
Greetings, troops. It was way cool to finally meet most of the troops in our AirForce, through the Tiger Claw West Coast Air Guitar Tour, ending at the Nationals in Denver. Claw didn’t have a chance to do any filming (too busy drinking, are you not surprised?). Claw also has no clue how to upload a video from YouTube, to the AirForce site. But there are alternatives. One is links. The other, is refreshing your bios on the left side of the AirForce site. The site will automatically add current videos, since both Blogger and YouTube are owned by Google. Some things just take care of themselves. Take a second to check out the ranks to the left.
Promotions are in order for several of our officers, in addition to the last update, after Portland and Seattle. Promotions after SD, LA & SF, Six-String General (LA) is now a Lt. Colonel, after taking LA. In addition to Flying Finn moving up from Sgt-Major to Major, with a first-time regional win, is Van Dammage (Chicago, winning the Dark Horse in Boulder, CO). Yes, the Dark Horse counts. If a Dark Horse win entitles you to compete in the Nationals, alongside other regional winners, Claw will allow it.
AirForce is proud to add Mormon Rockwell, as a new Captain. His dedication to air guitar was only overshadowed by his undying efforts to document the SoCal leg of the TC tour, which was accompanied by his Houston cohort and AirForce member, Brock McRock, and LA AirForce member, Shred Boy R.D. Special thanks to Boy R.D. for opening up his home and allowing the three of us to spread out on the floor, leaving only a few square feet for his son to continue with his Lego, on his quest to become the premier architect of his generation.
Claw knows everyone regularly checks out the USAG site for more information. There are also a ton of videos up on and, as well as other video and streaming sites. Congratulations to Airistotle for a kick-ass performance, and taking the National title.
If the TC WC AG tour blog doesn’t end up on the USAG site, it will be posted here. Many times, the best stories happen off-stage, but in the case of Claw, it’s actually outside the venue, and on the road. I think you’ll enjoy it. 2012 was over-the-top, but only to be topped by 2013. Bring it on.
Take a look to your left, and scroll down. We’ve amassed quite an impressive set of ranks here. Claw believes we are unmatched when it comes to global standings. We are elite. You are elite. Fuckin’ A.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Promotions in the Ranks..
The season isn't even over, and we got promotions in the ranks. Tony Tapatio, the 2011 Portland defending champion, took the 2012 Portland Regional, and jumps from Major to Lt. Colonel. Mean Melin, our MidWest (KC) Chapter Commander, took KC again. Tommy Fretless, our Mid-Atlantic (VA) Chapter Commander, took DC again, and is now a Lt. Colonel. Flying Finn is now a Major, taking Minneapolis this year. With San Diego, LA, and SF, still yet to be determined, the AirForce is strong.
And well represented, in Denver. Claw will even be there, but not competing. Claw's role is one of motivation and support nowadays. But also a force to be reckoned with, if y'all choose to attempt to party alongside. Try and keep up. There is no respect for lightweights.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Welcome Aboard.. the first couple of air guitar, Cleo Plectra and Van Dammage, the newest members of the Chi-Town Chapter of AirForce Command. Check the site. You're in the ranks. Unfortunately, when Blogger got bought by Google, and limited the video uploads to YouTube only, since YouTube is also owned by Google, everything went downhill from there. Now, Blogger has been redesigned. As soon as I figure it out, you guys will have your spot, alongside all the others. Google - kiss my fucking ass.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
2012 Down and Dirty
The sleeping giant of the underworld, known as air guitar, has awoken, and is hungry like no tomorrow. The dates have been announced, however preliminary. There may be additional dates added, but SF is one day this year, there is no Houston, and the Nationals are scheduled for Denver, in spite of no regional at that location. It may still be added. But those that are scheduled, make plans, and get your ass in gear.
Friday June 15 Portland
Saturday June 16 Seattle
Wednesday June 20 Boston
Thursday June 21 New York
Friday June 22 Philadelphia
Friday June 22 Kansas City (first time for two on one date)
Saturday June 23 Washington, DC
Friday June 29 Chicago
Saturday June 30 Minneapolis
Thursday July 12 San Diego
Friday July 13 Los Angeles
Saturday July 14 San Francisco
Saturday July 21 Denver
Only 12 regions this year, down from 17. Some of youz will have a distance to drive. Mark your calendars. Dates subject to change, added, and deleted. Given the locations, all have AirForce representation. Elite air force in effect. More to follow.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Cold Steel in Times Square
Thanks to Southern Chapter Commander Brock McRock for catching this little diddy in New York's Times Square, featuring 3-time SF Regional Champion, Cold Steel Renegade.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Fro, converting the enemy, for good...
This just in: The Fro, along with an army of air guitarists, dominates the Taliban, carrying our message across the globe. Half of this army just happens to be AirForce. BOOYAH.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
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