The US is home to the world's most dominant air guitarists. And as such, the AirForce is home to the US' elite air guitarists. The AirForce was born out of the SF/Bay Area, in 2010, after an immortal showing at the legendary Fillmore West, and comprised of the Bay Area's most dominant airists, the Original 12, formed by SF master air guitarist, Tiger Claw.

The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.

2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.

The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.

We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tiger Claw Air Guitar Exhibition

Great news on the air guitar front lines. No, not great, spectacular. One new addition. It's been awhile, but welcome to the fold, General Hardrock, who has competed in numerous competitions already.

Also, attached is a sample video, which is just a taste of the full hour, soon to be uploaded, of the first ever, inaugural, groundbreaking, Tiger Claw Air Guitar Exhibition. We're blazing a new path, outside of the annual competitions. 

And a link to US Air Guitar, for a should-be-an-award-winning blog, by Dirty Airy, Claw's ATC, for the exhibition, with photos courtesy of AirForce's own, Christine Zona, of Zona Foto, who's photoshoot of all of us, adorn the walls of the club.

 This whole thing has been off the hook. The club owner said he can't remember the last time he saw so many people for one of the shows. People came in off the streets, just to see what was going on. Some came up to me to tell me they had no idea what air guitar was, until that night. I've been in tears all week, with the afterglow and online comments. Warms my heart.

Thanks to Crusher, Cold Steel Renegade, Shred Nugent, Dirty Airy, Judas Priestess, Iroc-Z, Singar the Goat Demon, Shred Theodore Logan, and a last minute addition, Shaggy, and also my air drummers, Sophie V and Lester More, of the local SF band, The Yes-Go's and Will, of Cafe Royale, the club that allowed me to pull this whole thing off. Wait till you see the video. Grand slam, out of the park.

Who says you actually have to win a regional championship, to make your mark in the air guitar world. There's only one thing left to do. The air guitar reality series.