The US is home to the world's most dominant air guitarists. And as such, the AirForce is home to the US' elite air guitarists. The AirForce was born out of the SF/Bay Area, in 2010, after an immortal showing at the legendary Fillmore West, and comprised of the Bay Area's most dominant airists, the Original 12, formed by SF master air guitarist, Tiger Claw.

The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.

2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.

The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.

We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 fadeout...

The Claw says fadeout, because that's what music does. Nothing more fun than a song we're air guitaring to, has a solo at the end, on the fadeout. Ozzy is famous for that, mostly during the Randy Rhoads era, notheless...

2010 was a banner year. Our SF Comp was held at the Fillmore, with killer posters as awesome mementos, especially for this native, born & raised. But as each year passes, the next always holds the hope of surpassing the past. More often than not, it does. But each of you alone, and all of us as a team, must contribute, take part, and make it so, for it to truly happen.

Hope all of you had a successful and cheerful holiday. It's now onto bigger and better things. Keep your spirits up, and your dreams alive. Airness - that final level, should be strived for at all times. Claw leaves you with his rendition of airness he recently posed to a fellow SFAF officer, General, and friend:

AIRNESS - the art of playing music on something that others cannot see, but exists on a different plane, in a parallel universe. The air guitar is made up of pure energy. And like I've said many times, airness is not that which any governing body, be it local, regional, national, or global, describes as the one thing that separates one from the rest, by some means that stand out other than the air guitar. Airness is the final level, when you've transcended to the point the audience thinks and believes you actually know guitar, and know how to play that song on a real guitar, and then are subsequently labeled a sandbagger; when in fact, you don't how to play at all (except for maybe two chords and one scale). That's airness.

Here's to bigger and better things for the year to come.

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