SF Air Force Colonel and UK Chapter Commander, Wild Thing 37, leads the WOMAD festival audience in an all-out air guitar extravaganza, breaking the world record along the way. To Jimi Hendrix, no less. We are proud.
The world's elite air guitar special forces, from the Golden Gate, throughout the US, and across the pond...
The US is home to the world's most dominant air guitarists. And as such, the AirForce is home to the US' elite air guitarists. The AirForce was born out of the SF/Bay Area, in 2010, after an immortal showing at the legendary Fillmore West, and comprised of the Bay Area's most dominant airists, the Original 12, formed by SF master air guitarist, Tiger Claw.
The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.
2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.
The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.
We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.
The family first started out with a world champion (Hot Lixx Hulahan), a legend (Bjorn Turoque), and several veterans of the trade, of which four from SF went on to win multiple regional championships over the years since the US Air Guitar Competition came to SF in 2006. In 2010, US Air Guitar issued an award - the Profile of Excellence in the Field of Magnificence, to two individuals, both from SF.
2011 saw the expansion of the AirForce as a show of appreciation, a way to honor, and an effort to bring those who would express the same appreciation, honor, love, passion and dedication to the art the AirForce holds so dearly, together as one.
The AirForce is proud to be represented in other regions, in addition to SF's Golden Gate Chapter, throughout the US: Capitol (DC), Cascadia (Seattle), Chi-Town (Chicago), Mid-Atlantic (Charlottesville), MidWest (Kansas City), NorthEast (NY), Pacific Coast (Los Angeles), PacNorWest (Portland), SoCal (San Diego), SouthBay (San Jose, closed), Southern (Houston), Twin Cities (Minneapolis), the UK, and Russia.
We are the jedi masters of air guitar. AirForce Command, is strong, with the force.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
2011 US Air Guitar National Championship
Videos from the 2011 US Air Guitar National Championship in Chicago. Also, individual video pages on the left, have been updated to reflect current performances.
Videos from the 2011 US Air Guitar National Championship in Chicago. Also, individual video pages on the left, have been updated to reflect current performances.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Nationals update..
from the Chicago Tribune, a photo gallery that is truly awesome:,0,1484505.photogallery
and now, Nordic Thunder, and Claw must say, the fingers were flying:
great article from the Gapers-Block, including video:
From US Air Guitar,0,1484505.photogallery
and now, Nordic Thunder, and Claw must say, the fingers were flying:
great article from the Gapers-Block, including video:
From US Air Guitar
Sunday, July 24, 2011
US Air Guitar, in the books...but not over yet!

Tiger Claw reporting from AirForce Headquarters. The Nationals are done, and Nordic Thunder is our US Air Guitar National Champion. The competition was close. Here is the top ten: 1 - Nordic Thunder, 2 - Airistotle, 3 - RomeoDance Cheetah, 4 - Tony Tapatio, 5 - Windhammer, 6 - Tommy Fretless, 7 - Dry Ice, 8 - Airisol, 9 - Lt. Facemelter, 10 - Dreamcatcher.
Congratulations to our other AirForce members for giving their all: Shred Nugent, Cold Steel Renegade, Brock McRock, Mean Melin, Six-String General, and Shred Boy RD. Claw has no doubt everyone had a great time in Chi-Town.
Keep the dream alive. And cheer on Thunder to bring the world gold back to the US. We'll do it all again next year.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Stats Please..
first off, those of you competing in the Dark Horse (Brock, Whalin), it's tomorrow night. July 21. not Friday. Not the night of the national competition. TOMORROW. Check for the official flyer for the Dark Horse.
and for those of you who haven't been keeping track, Claw has been. It's his job. Logistics. His middle name. In fact, you can call him, LogistiClaw. claw likes to think, and is honored to assist, as USAG's companion site for this info. Here is the rundown for the US Air Guitar National Championship, as it went down for the last two months:
5/12 - Chicago Nordic Thunder
5/13 - Denver Dreamcatcher
5/19 - Kansas City Mean Melin (SF AirForce)
5/21 - Austin Vlad DM Waillin
6/8 - Milwaukee Dry Ice
6/9 - Kalamazoo Thundergland
6/10 - Minneapolis Airisol (SF AirForce)
6/11 - Washington Tommy Fretless
6/15 - NY Airistotle
6/16 - Brooklyn Shreddy Mercury
6/17 - Boston McNallica
6/18 - Philadelphia Windhammer
6/24 - SF Shred Nugent (SF AirForce)
6/25 - SF Cold Steel Renegade (SF AirForce)
7/8 - Seattle Lt. Facemelter (SF AirForce)
7/9 - Portland Tony Tapatio
7/14 - Los Angeles Shred Boy R.D. (SF AirForce)
7/15 - San Diego Six-String General (SF AirForce)
As you can see, out of 18, the SF AirForce is represented by 7. Congratulations to all for the undying efforts for air guitar.
and for those of you who haven't been keeping track, Claw has been. It's his job. Logistics. His middle name. In fact, you can call him, LogistiClaw. claw likes to think, and is honored to assist, as USAG's companion site for this info. Here is the rundown for the US Air Guitar National Championship, as it went down for the last two months:
5/12 - Chicago Nordic Thunder
5/13 - Denver Dreamcatcher
5/19 - Kansas City Mean Melin (SF AirForce)
5/21 - Austin Vlad DM Waillin
6/8 - Milwaukee Dry Ice
6/9 - Kalamazoo Thundergland
6/10 - Minneapolis Airisol (SF AirForce)
6/11 - Washington Tommy Fretless
6/15 - NY Airistotle
6/16 - Brooklyn Shreddy Mercury
6/17 - Boston McNallica
6/18 - Philadelphia Windhammer
6/24 - SF Shred Nugent (SF AirForce)
6/25 - SF Cold Steel Renegade (SF AirForce)
7/8 - Seattle Lt. Facemelter (SF AirForce)
7/9 - Portland Tony Tapatio
7/14 - Los Angeles Shred Boy R.D. (SF AirForce)
7/15 - San Diego Six-String General (SF AirForce)
As you can see, out of 18, the SF AirForce is represented by 7. Congratulations to all for the undying efforts for air guitar.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
AirForce United...
Congratulations to all our brothairs and sistairs on their victories. When we couldn't take one region, we took another. We are unstoppable. And that's what sets us apart from all the rest. It's why we are family. It's why we are...AirForce.
Quick changes: in name only. To maintain titles and URL's, we will always be SF AirForce, as a point of origin, and the foundation and headquarters. But it is obvious we have grown outside of our original family. There are many who hail from elsewhere, but who have also competed here in SF. To isolate those from here, those from there who compete here, and those from there, who have yet to compete here, is a disservice and has become irrelevant to the purpose of the family, overall. Since we are all family, and we are all in it together, here, there, and abroad, those from here, will be known from this point forward, as Golden Gate Chapter members, as well as those from there, who have competed here. (I toiled with Pacific for awhile, but that would conflict with Southern CA, so I went with the name used by the oldest HOG Chapter in the US.) Everyone in other chapters have been incorporated into the ranks, as it should be.
Rank Promotions: We've got several promotions within the ranks that should be honored. Shred Nugent has been a Major (one regional) since his San Jose win in 2007, but with his recent victory in SF in 2011, he is now, Lt-Colonel(2+ regionals), and joins his fellow Golden Gate members, Awesome and Cold Steel Renegade. Our SoCal Commander in San Diego, Lt. Facemelter, who was also a Major, with one win in SD a couple years back, has taken Seattle this year, raising him up to the next rank, which means even though he goes by Lt. Facemelter, technically, he is officially Lt-Colonel Facemelter. And...two Sgt-Majors (multiple appearances) who hail from other regions, but are also Golden Gate Chapter members, have finally won their first Regional Championships, raising them from Sgt-Majors to full Majors. Shred Boy RD, out of LA, winning LA; and Six-String General, out of LA, and NY, as well competing in Vegas and SF, multiple times (talk about a nomad), took San Diego. While Claw will continue to not speak on behalf of the family, it is with great honor Claw congratulates these individuals for the success they have brought to their regions, and to the family known as the AirForce.
Nationals: This is what it comes down to, what it's all about. Team AirForce are on their way to Chicago. 7 to be exact. As is 2 others, Southern Chapter Commander Brock McRock, out of Houston, and PacNorWest Chapter Commander, Whalin BigAir, out of Portland, representing us in the Dark Horse, in an effort to compete alongside the rest of the family. BigAir will have a second opportunity, if he takes the Dark Horse, to take it and compete not just alongside the family, but also against his fellow Airpocalypse brethren, Tony Tapatio.
As Claw has said before, it matters not if you have won or not. Claw has yet to win, along with many others. Many in the family have become champions, after becoming family. That is called success. Some are new members, but not all, and those new members are members because they exhibit not just the skills or determination, but because they have the desire to do this. Compete if you will, but to extoll the passion for air guitar, in spite of whatever fear exists in doing so in front of a live crowd, well, that alone makes you worthy. Congratulations to our winners, and our newest members.
And lastly, Claw would like to make a new promise, same as the old promise. In SF, two trophies were created for the two Golden Gate members who scored the highest on both days, whether they won or not. Backstage. Private ceremony. Thanks to US Air Guitar, the AirForce was honored to present each days' actual winner with the subsequent trophies, Airforce or not. It was our destiny. Both days were taken by AirForce members. And so it goes with The Nationals, in Chicago. Claw understands there is an award on the National level. Cool. But as an incentive, if any of the AirForce takes the National title, Claw will have a trophy waiting for you. 2011 US Air Guitar Champion - Chicago, IL " ? ? ?"{
Quick changes: in name only. To maintain titles and URL's, we will always be SF AirForce, as a point of origin, and the foundation and headquarters. But it is obvious we have grown outside of our original family. There are many who hail from elsewhere, but who have also competed here in SF. To isolate those from here, those from there who compete here, and those from there, who have yet to compete here, is a disservice and has become irrelevant to the purpose of the family, overall. Since we are all family, and we are all in it together, here, there, and abroad, those from here, will be known from this point forward, as Golden Gate Chapter members, as well as those from there, who have competed here. (I toiled with Pacific for awhile, but that would conflict with Southern CA, so I went with the name used by the oldest HOG Chapter in the US.) Everyone in other chapters have been incorporated into the ranks, as it should be.
Rank Promotions: We've got several promotions within the ranks that should be honored. Shred Nugent has been a Major (one regional) since his San Jose win in 2007, but with his recent victory in SF in 2011, he is now, Lt-Colonel(2+ regionals), and joins his fellow Golden Gate members, Awesome and Cold Steel Renegade. Our SoCal Commander in San Diego, Lt. Facemelter, who was also a Major, with one win in SD a couple years back, has taken Seattle this year, raising him up to the next rank, which means even though he goes by Lt. Facemelter, technically, he is officially Lt-Colonel Facemelter. And...two Sgt-Majors (multiple appearances) who hail from other regions, but are also Golden Gate Chapter members, have finally won their first Regional Championships, raising them from Sgt-Majors to full Majors. Shred Boy RD, out of LA, winning LA; and Six-String General, out of LA, and NY, as well competing in Vegas and SF, multiple times (talk about a nomad), took San Diego. While Claw will continue to not speak on behalf of the family, it is with great honor Claw congratulates these individuals for the success they have brought to their regions, and to the family known as the AirForce.
Nationals: This is what it comes down to, what it's all about. Team AirForce are on their way to Chicago. 7 to be exact. As is 2 others, Southern Chapter Commander Brock McRock, out of Houston, and PacNorWest Chapter Commander, Whalin BigAir, out of Portland, representing us in the Dark Horse, in an effort to compete alongside the rest of the family. BigAir will have a second opportunity, if he takes the Dark Horse, to take it and compete not just alongside the family, but also against his fellow Airpocalypse brethren, Tony Tapatio.
As Claw has said before, it matters not if you have won or not. Claw has yet to win, along with many others. Many in the family have become champions, after becoming family. That is called success. Some are new members, but not all, and those new members are members because they exhibit not just the skills or determination, but because they have the desire to do this. Compete if you will, but to extoll the passion for air guitar, in spite of whatever fear exists in doing so in front of a live crowd, well, that alone makes you worthy. Congratulations to our winners, and our newest members.
And lastly, Claw would like to make a new promise, same as the old promise. In SF, two trophies were created for the two Golden Gate members who scored the highest on both days, whether they won or not. Backstage. Private ceremony. Thanks to US Air Guitar, the AirForce was honored to present each days' actual winner with the subsequent trophies, Airforce or not. It was our destiny. Both days were taken by AirForce members. And so it goes with The Nationals, in Chicago. Claw understands there is an award on the National level. Cool. But as an incentive, if any of the AirForce takes the National title, Claw will have a trophy waiting for you. 2011 US Air Guitar Champion - Chicago, IL " ? ? ?"{
Friday, July 15, 2011
Live...from Los Angeles...
LA's SF AirForce member, Shred Boy RD rocked, narrowly edging out fellow SF AirForce member, Six-String General, by .1. That's POINT 1. Check out the victory pic #46, plus two pics of both combatants at #44 and #45.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
One More Addition to the blog...
...for they exhibit that which is what the AirForce stands for, and Claw is honored, in spite of his recent indiscretion. It should also be noted, one of the members is our own PacNorWest Chapter Commander, Whalin BigAir. Another member, who won Portland this year, and forced BigAir to make the trip to Chicago for the Dark Horse, but won't be alone, is another member, Tony Tapatio. AIRPOCALYPSE.
Good luck to SF's Shred Nugent and Cold Steel Renegade, Kansas City's Mean Melin, Minneapolis' Airisol, and San Diego's Lt-Colonel Facemelter, along with LA's possible winners, Six-String General and Shred Boy R.D., and Dark Horse hopefuls, Brock McRock, Whalin BigAir, Lost Heartbreaker, and any other family members who make the trek to the Windy City. All of you deserve it, and are winners, no matter what.
Claw is proud of you all. Here's to hoping one of the family makes it to Finland. Live the dream, and keep it alive. But most importantly, keep in touch.
Good luck to SF's Shred Nugent and Cold Steel Renegade, Kansas City's Mean Melin, Minneapolis' Airisol, and San Diego's Lt-Colonel Facemelter, along with LA's possible winners, Six-String General and Shred Boy R.D., and Dark Horse hopefuls, Brock McRock, Whalin BigAir, Lost Heartbreaker, and any other family members who make the trek to the Windy City. All of you deserve it, and are winners, no matter what.
Claw is proud of you all. Here's to hoping one of the family makes it to Finland. Live the dream, and keep it alive. But most importantly, keep in touch.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
SFAF's Newest Member..
Please welcome, a 4-time regional champion, including this year, competing out of Minneapolis, and representing us as part of the Twin Cities Chapter alongside The Lost Heartbreaker, but even more so, for surviving in 2008, in San Francisco, losing by .1, to our own Hot Lixx Hulahan, who went on to win the National Championship, AND...the World Championship, that year, Claw presents...Lt-Colonel Airisol. 4? Really? Hot Damn. (sorry, Lixx)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Cold Steel Renegade Appreciation Cult

Claw would like to give a shout-out to the Renegade, for having such a supportive crew, to assist in his endeavors, and market his bad-ass self, to which Claw is jealous. We're talking the CSR Appreciation Cult. Check out the latest item available in Renegade's aresenal.
Pretty f/n awesome, if you ask Claw. Time to step up to the plate everyone.
Claw will.
Claw is.
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