Tiger Claw reporting from AirForce Headquarters. The Nationals are done, and Nordic Thunder is our US Air Guitar National Champion. The competition was close. Here is the top ten: 1 - Nordic Thunder, 2 - Airistotle, 3 - RomeoDance Cheetah, 4 - Tony Tapatio, 5 - Windhammer, 6 - Tommy Fretless, 7 - Dry Ice, 8 - Airisol, 9 - Lt. Facemelter, 10 - Dreamcatcher.
Congratulations to our other AirForce members for giving their all: Shred Nugent, Cold Steel Renegade, Brock McRock, Mean Melin, Six-String General, and Shred Boy RD. Claw has no doubt everyone had a great time in Chi-Town.
Keep the dream alive. And cheer on Thunder to bring the world gold back to the US. We'll do it all again next year.
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